Adopting the Integrity Code
Adopting the Code of Integrity for Sport and Recreation (Integrity Code)
Find out what you can do to get your organisation ready to adopt the Integrity Code and work towards building a culture of integrity that creates a safe and fair environment for your participants (PDF 443KB)
Code of Integrity for Sport and Recreation (Integrity Code)
The Integrity Code sets consistent standards to prevent and address threats to integrity — including what is expected of sport and recreation organisations and participants. (PDF 1.2MB)
Policy templates
Prohibited behaviours policy template
A policy template for all organisations, including those working towards minimum standard 1 requirements for Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 99.6KB)
Safeguarding policy template
A safeguarding policy template for all organisations, including those working towards minimum standard 2 requirements for Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 132.7KB)
Child protection policy template
A child protection policy template for all organisations, including those working towards minimum standard 2 requirements for Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 152.7KB)
Mandatory notification policy template
A mandatory notification policy template for all organisations, including those working towards minimum standard 4 requirements for Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 92.9KB)
Privacy policy template
A privacy policy template for all organisations, including those working towards Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 89.3KB)
Disciplinary policy template
A disciplinary policy template for all organisations, including those working towards minimum standard 3 requirements for Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 94.9KB)
Complaints and dispute resolution policy template
A complaints and dispute resolution policy template for all organisations, including those working towards minimum standard 3 requirements for Integrity Code adoption. (DOCX 125KB)
Minimum standard checklists
How to comply with minimum standard 1
A checklist to help your organisation comply with minimum standard 1: Prohibiting behaviours that are a threat to integrity.
How to comply with minimum standard 2
A checklist to help your organisation comply with minimum standard 2: Proactively safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk.
How to comply with minimum standard 3
A checklist to help your organisation comply with minimum standard 3: Implementing an effective and fair dispute resolution process in relation to threats to integrity.
How to comply with minimum standard 4
A checklist to help your organisation comply with minimum standard 4: Notifying the Commission of issues of serious concern.