Ngā matū
Ngā matū

As an athlete, you train hard. Sometimes you may get injured or sick, or you may need to take regular medication for an ongoing condition such as asthma or diabetes. Make sure you check everything you take - and how you take it - in advance.
Check medications

Consequences of doping
Doping is serious, and its consequences are far-reaching. It can permanently damage your reputation, your health and your prospects in and out of sport.
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Recreational drugs
Recreational drugs are banned in sport during competition and if you use them, you’re taking a risk. Testing positive for a recreational drug can result in a ban from all sport.
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Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE)
A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) allows you to take a medication containing a banned substance if you need to for medical reasons.
Find out moreSupplements
Athletes can and do test positive as a result of contaminated supplements. It's important to know the risks supplements pose - and how you can manage them.
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Prohibited substances
The Prohibited List is published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and details all substances and methods which are prohibited or banned in sport. It is updated every year on January 1.
Read moreUseful links
Manage supplement risks
All supplements are a risk to athletes. If you're considering using them, or are on a supplement programme, use our Supplement Decision-Making Guide to help you manage the risks.
SARMs: Banned and dangerous
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) like ligandrol, ostarine and andarine are banned in sport at all times. Find out why on our blog.
The truth about steroids
Anabolic steroids like metanienone, stanozolol and drostanolone are banned in sport at all times. Read about the health consequences of using them on our blog.