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Therapeutic Use Exemptions

Ngā Whakawāteatanga mō te Whakamahi Rongoā

About Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)

A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) allows you to take a medication containing a banned substance if you need to for medical reasons.

You may need to apply for a TUE if you get sick or injured, or if you have an ongoing medical condition such as diabetes or asthma, and the medication you need is banned in sport.

Some athletes must apply for a TUE in advance (i.e. before using any banned medications or methods). Others can only apply retroactively (i.e. after a positive test).

Getting a TUE can protect you from an anti-doping sanction if a banned substance is found in your sample.

TUEs are only granted if an athlete will gain no unfair advantage by using the banned substance or method. It’s also important that an athlete's well-being is not put at further risk by using the medication.

What to do

  • Tell your doctor that you're an athlete and subject to anti-doping rules;

  • If prescribed a medication containing a banned ingredient, ask for a permitted alternative;

  • Know your TUE status (in-advance or retroactive);

  • Keep detailed medical notes for any diagnoses or treatments that involve a banned ingredient or method;

  • In an emergency, always get the treatment you need.

Ready to apply for a TUE?

Download the form using the link below.

Download the TUE application form

In-advance TUE criteria (by sport)


Check your TUE status by sport

If your sport and competition/level appear in this table, you need a TUE in-advance (i.e. before you take medication containing a banned substance).


In-advance criteria


Athletes who enter the Senior category at the National Track and Field Championships


Athletes selected in the Breakers Squad

Athletes selected in the National Basketball League (men and women)


Athletes who enter in the Open Age category at the Canoe Sprint National Championships


Men's Plunket Shield (4-day match), Ford Trophy (50 over match) and Super Smash (T20 match) 

Women’s Hallyburton Johnstone Shield (50 over match) and Super Smash (T20 match)


Athletes who enter in the Elite category at National Championship events (includes road, track, mountain bike and BMX championships)


Athletes selected for the Wellington Phoenix Squads (men and women)

Athletes selected for the Auckland FC Squad

Teams who qualify for the Men’s National League Squads – Championship Phase

Women's National League Championship Squads


National Hockey Championship – Tier 1 Squads (men and women) 


ANZ Premiership Squads 


Athletes who enter the Premier grade at the New Zealand National Rowing Championships

Rugby League

NZ Warriors Squads (men and women)

Athletes selected in the National Premiership Squads (men and women)

Rugby Union

Super Rugby Pacific Squads

Super Rugby Aupiki Squads

Bunnings Warehouse NPC Squads

Snow Sports

TAPS Athletes


Athletes who enter the NZ Swimming Championships


Athletes who enter the Elite category in the Standard Distance at the National Triathlon Championships


Athletes who have qualified at A Grade and above and have entered WNZ Junior/Senior National Championships

In-advance vs retroactive

In-advance TUE

Some athletes must have a TUE before they take a banned medication. This includes:

  • Athletes selected for New Zealand Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games teams;

  • Athletes who have been registered, qualified, selected, named or contracted to compete in specific teams and/or national events listed in the 'In-advance criteria table (by sport)' - see above.

If you’re competing internationally, check with your Federation and be clear about your responsibilities around TUEs. You may have to apply for a TUE from your International Federation rather than from us. Find out more about this below under ‘International-level athletes’. If you compete at a national level in another country, check the NADO’s rules in that country, as they may require an in-advance TUE.

Not sure what level athlete you are? Email us at [email protected] or contact your National Sport Organisation to check.

Retroactive TUE

A retroactive TUE is one that's granted after an athlete has tested positive.

Retroactive TUEs are available to those competing at levels that aren't listed in the 'In-advance criteria table (by sport)'. You'll need to meet the criteria and supply comprehensive medical documents before a TUE can be granted.

You may apply to us for a retroactive TUE if:

  • You needed emergency or urgent treatment for a medical condition;

  • There was insufficient time, opportunity or other exceptional circumstances that prevented you from submitting the TUE application, or having it evaluated, before getting tested;

  • You weren't allowed or required to apply in advance for a TUE as per the anti-doping rules;

  • You're a lower-level athlete who was tested but isn't under the jurisdiction of an International Federation or National Anti-Doping Organisation;

  • You tested positive after using a medication out-of-competition that was only banned in-competition (e.g tramadol or glucocorticoids).

In rare and exceptional circumstances (and notwithstanding any other provision in the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions) you may apply for and be granted retroactive approval for a therapeutic use of a prohibited substance or method, if considering the purpose of the Code, it would be manifestly unfair not to grant a retroactive TUE. This unique retroactive TUE will only be granted with the prior approval of WADA (and WADA may in its absolute discretion agree with or reject the Sport Integrity Commission Te Kahu Raunui's decision).

Important note: Using a banned substance or method without a TUE could result in an anti-doping sanction. Keep all your medical notes in case you need to apply for a retroactive TUE.

See the Checklist for TUE applications

TUE details


How to apply

Download and complete form

  • Download an application form.

  • The form must be completed in full by a medical professional, preferably the prescribing doctor

  • Detailed supporting documentation must be attached.

  • Note that most applications require specialist support.

Submit documentation

Application review

  • Your application will be reviewed by the TUE Committee once it is received in full.


  • You and your medical professional will be told whether the application has been accepted or rejected within 21 days.

  • You will be told of any conditions, including the date of expiry and restrictions on the use of the medication.


TUE application criteria and evidence

All of the four following criteria must be met (for more details, please refer to the WADA International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE) Article 4.2):

  • The athlete has a clear diagnosed medical condition, which requires treatment using a prohibited substance or method;

  • The therapeutic use of the substance will not, on the balance of probabilities, produce significant enhancement of performance beyond the athlete’s normal state of health;

  • The prohibited substance or method is an indicated treatment for the medical condition, and there is no reasonable permitted therapeutic alternative;

  • The necessity to use that substance or method is not the consequence of the prior use (without a TUE), of a substance or method which was prohibited at the time of use.

Your medical practitioner will need to provide information in support of your TUE application. This includes:

  • Comprehensive medical evidence to justify the use of the treatment, preferably from a specialist;

  • Confirmation that permitted alternative medications have been tried where possible.

The medical evidence you need to supply is dependent on your condition. WADA offer guidance for many common medical conditions. Before you make your application, please read the relevant WADA TUE checklist.

If your medication or condition is not listed, please ask your doctor to review WADA's Medical information to support the decisions of TUECs.

When we receive all the information we require, we generally process applications within five working days. Without all the information required, your application will be delayed. Please check all evidence has been included before you send your TUE application.

If granted, a TUE will only be valid for the specific medication and for a certain time period. Make sure you understand the restrictions that apply.


International-level athletes

A TUE granted by the Commission is only valid at the national level. If you are, or become, an international-level athlete, or compete at Major Games, that TUE will not be valid unless it is recognised by the relevant International Federation (IF) or Major Event Organisation (MEO). It is your responsibility to check if your Commission TUE is automatically recognised by your IF or MEO.

You may also need to apply directly to your IF depending on their definition of an international-level athlete. You can find the definition on the relevant IF’s website.

We can help you find out where to apply and how to present your Commission-issued TUE to an IF or MEO for recognition. Please contact [email protected]


Emergency treatment

If you have a serious accident or you require emergency medical treatment, don’t hesitate. Your health always comes first and you should get whatever medical help you need immediately.

Do advise all medical staff that you’re an athlete who could be drug tested and ask them to check whether all medications are prohibited in sport. And if you do require a prohibited substance or method for the sake of your health, make a TUE application immediately after treatment. This is known as a retroactive TUE.


TUE renewal

Each TUE has a specific duration, at the end of which it expires automatically. Should you need to continue to use the prohibited substance or method, it is your responsibility to submit a new application for a TUE with updated medical information ahead of the expiry date, so that there is sufficient time for a decision to be made prior to the expiry of the current TUE.

Important note: The presence (following sample collection), use, possession or administration of the prohibited substance or method shall be consistent with the terms of your TUE which are present on your certificate. Therefore, if you require a materially different dosage, frequency, route or duration of administration, you should contact the Commission as you may be required to apply for a new TUE. Some substances and dosages, e.g. insulin, are often modified during treatment and these possible fluctuations should be mentioned by the treating physician in the TUE application and would usually be accepted by the ADO TUEC.


Declined TUE applications

If a TUE application is declined, you will receive a written explanation of the reasons for that decision. If you need help to understand why the decision was made, feel free to contact us. Sometimes, the application may be missing a critical piece of information, diagnostic test, laboratory results, signature etc. If this is the case, we’ll request the information and you will be able to reapply.

If you are a National Level or Recreational Level athlete, you may appeal DFSNZ's decision to the Sports Tribunal of New Zealand. For guidance on this process and the required documentation, please visit the Sports Tribunal website.


Appeals following non-recognition by International Federation

If your International Federation does not recognise your Commission TUE, you and the Commission have 21 days to refer the matter to WADA for review after notification of the non-recognition. You should send the same information that you submitted to the Commission, and on which their TUEC based their decision, via a secure online method or by registered mail to:

WADA Medical Department
World Anti-Doping Agency
Stock Exchange Tower
800 Place Victoria (Suite 1700)
P.O. Box 120
Montreal (Quebec) H4Z 1B7

The email address to enquire and/or send the request for review is [email protected].

Pending WADA’s decision, the Commission's TUE remains valid for national-level competition and out-of-competition testing only. If the matter is not referred to WADA for review, the Commission determines whether the original TUE granted to you should remain valid for national-level competition and out-of-competition testing.


Confidential treatment of medical information

All the information contained in a TUE application including the supporting medical information and any other information related to the evaluation of your TUE request is kept strictly confidential and treated in accordance with the Athlete’s Declaration contained in the Sport Integrity Commission Te Kahu Raunui's TUE Application Form. All members of the TUEC and any other authorized recipients of your TUE request and related information (as described in the Athlete’s Declaration) are subject to a professional or contractual confidentiality obligation.

Please review the terms of the Athlete’s Declaration carefully. In particular, note that should you wish to revoke the right of the Commission's TUEC to obtain the information related to your TUE request in accordance with the Athlete’s Declaration, your TUE application will be deemed withdrawn without approval being granted.

Your TUE request-related information will be retained by the Commission and any other authorized recipients for no longer than necessary for the purposes stated in the Athlete’s Declaration, in accordance with the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information. 

For more information on how we process personal information refer to our Athlete Privacy Policy.