Child protection and safeguarding education
Child protection and safeguarding education
Child protection and safeguarding education

Safeguarding and protecting children and young people
Over four self-paced modules, this course supports learners to keep children and young people safe in sport and recreation. It covers child safeguarding practices, identifying and responding to abuse and harm, and keeping everyone safe in different situations.
Take the module on SportTutorChild safeguarding foundations
Creating a safeguarding culture
Learn what child safeguarding is and how to build a safeguarding culture.
Responding to the varied needs of children
Understand the different needs of children and how to create an environment that includes everyone in the group.
Creating positive environments
Learn about building safe and positive relationship, and appropriate ways to behave to make sure children and young people are safe.
Understanding children and young people
Find out what motivates children and young people at different ages and stages.
Concerns about a child's welfare
Travelling with children and young people
Planning safer travel
Organising trips away needs careful planning to keep everyone safer, from appointing a lead person to what to do in an emergency.
Child safeguarding while travelling
Manage and understand the risks to children and young people while travelling. Find out why careful supervision is a must, and how to brief the adults on the trip.
Safer overnight stays
Find out how to keep overnight stays safer with good planning. Check what adults should be doing to keep everyone safe.
Child safeguarding while travelling
Manage and understand the risks to children and young people while travelling. Find out why careful supervision is a must, and how to brief the adults on the trip.
Tip for giving rides
Keep everyone safe when giving rides and carpooling. Learn the risks, how to keep everyone safe and what to do in an emergency.
Creating safer environments for children
Checking and training people
Understand why background checks and staff training are important to keep children and young people safer.
Tips for safer coaching and instructing
How to create safer experiences and environments for everyone, including what to cover in a start of season team meeting.
Making changing rooms and facilities safer
Check what the risks are, how to safely supervise children and young people, and how to keep everyone safe in and around changing rooms and facilities.
Reducing risks when taking and sharing images
Get to know what the risks are to children and young people, and how you can lessen the risks.
Tips for safer online communication
How to use social media safely when communicating with children and young people, and what adults can do to keep everyone safe.