Child protection and safeguarding education

Dynamic shot of a girl lunging to score a try as her opponent pulls her ripper rugby tag.

Safeguarding and protecting children and young people

Over four self-paced modules, this course supports learners to keep children and young people safe in sport and recreation. It covers child safeguarding practices, identifying and responding to abuse and harm, and keeping everyone safe in different situations.

Take the module on SportTutor

Check your knowledge with micro-learning

You can check your knowledge on how to protect and safeguarding children and young people using our micro-learning modules. They are short, interactive online modules that teach you the key concepts in each topic in about 10 minutes.

For a formal record of completion, please access and complete the micro-learning modules on SportTutor. You'll need to log in but it's free to create an account. 

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Microlearning topics