Have your say on the draft Integrity Code

Have Your Say

About the Integrity Code

Mō te Integrity Code

What the Integrity Code is

We at the Commission can set standards for the sport and recreation sector. We can do this by publishing integrity codes. This is a part of our role to make sure sport and recreation in Aotearoa New Zealand is safer and fairer.

We are working on a single Integrity Code for the whole sport and recreation sector.

The Integrity Code will be one of the key tools for the sector to enhance integrity in sport and recreation. It will set consistent standards to prevent and address threats to integrity — including what is expected of sport and recreation organisations and participants.   

Sport and recreation organisations can choose whether to adopt or sign up to the Integrity Code, or not. Adopting and implementing the Code will be an opportunity for organisations to help protect participants from harm and reduce the risk of serious integrity issues occurring.

Adopting the Integrity Code will involve following a formal process. We’ll explain more about this below on this page.

Have your say on the Integrity Code

Public consultation on the draft Integrity Code is now open until 15 November 2024.

Have your say

The Integrity Code is for everyone involved in sport and recreation. That's why we'll be asking for your input.

From 23 September to 15 November, you can have your say on the Integrity Code in our public consultation. We'll share the draft Integrity Code along with some useful 'explainer' documents and examples of the resources we can share to support organisations to adopt the Integrity Code.

If you would like to know more about the work we have done so far

Find out how we have consulted and engaged with different groups so far

What will be in the Integrity Code

The Integrity Code is designed to prevent and address harm in sport and recreation. This will prevent and address integrity issues consistently, from local clubs through to regional and national organisations.

The Integrity Code will include standards for:

  • defining and addressing negative and harmful behaviour in sport and recreation, like bullying, harassment and abuse, racism and discrimination, sexual misconduct, and match-fixing

  • keeping tamariki, rangatahi and vulnerable people safe

  • complaints and dispute resolution processes — to address issues if they arise, and what you need to tell us about

  • our role when there are serious integrity issues.

Adopting the Integrity Code

Once we publish the Integrity Code, organisations in the sport and recreation sector can choose whether to adopt it.

We’d like to see organisations adopting the Integrity Code because:

  • the Integrity Code will provide consistent minimum standards across Aotearoa

  • it will benefit them and their members, and

  • it’s seen as the right thing to do to ensure these activities are safe and fair.

Any sport and recreation organisation can choose to adopt the Integrity Code. However, we are initially encouraging national organisations to adopt it. This is because national-level sport and recreation organisations can take a lead. They can guide their regional organisations and clubs to implement the standards in the Integrity Code.

How you adopt the Integrity Code will depend on the rules of your organisation (for example, your constitutional arrangements). The adoption process will likely have the following steps:

  • letting us know your intention to adopt so we can provide you with guidance and support

  • completing any necessary amendments to the rules governing your organisation, and

  • confirming with us that you have adopted the Integrity Code.

Once the Integrity Code is published, you can start preparing for adoption at any point. For example, by putting policies, procedures and codes of conduct in place to meet the minimum standards in the Integrity Code.

Resources for organisations    

We can provide support and guidance whether, or not, an organisation adopts the Integrity Code.

We are working on creating policy templates to inform your own policies. We’re also working on resources to make the adoption process as simple as possible.

Our intention is that if you use and implement our template policies, you will be presumed to have met the minimum standards in the Integrity Code. You will still need to implement those policies.

The Commission’s powers to protect participants are not limited to the Integrity Code. We operate a complaints and dispute resolution service. We can also conduct investigations regardless of whether an organisation has adopted the Integrity Code.

Find out more about the complaints and dispute resolution service

What the Integrity Code means for people participating in sport and recreation

The Integrity Code will help keep you and your whānau safe by:

  • promoting positive behaviours

  • ensuring organisations do the right things to create safe, fair environments.

We operate a complaints and dispute resolution service. We have options to help you regardless of whether an organisation has adopted the Integrity Code.

Find out more about the complaints and dispute resolution service

More information

View the Integrity Sport and Recreation Act 2023