Participant protection education
Participant protection education
Participant protection education

Inclusion: A response to discrimination
Explore ways to combat discrimination in this comprehensive, interactive module on SportTutor. You'll learn what an inclusive, supportive and safe environment looks like and how to support those experiencing discrimination.
Take the module on SportTutorBullying
Is it constructive feedback or bullying? Test your knowledge to understand and recognise bullying.
Violence is a deliberate act of aggression that can cause serious physical harm. Know the difference between violence and accidental injury.
Abuse can be physical, psychological, emotional, or sexual. It is sometimes used to control someone. See if you recognise the signs.
Spreading rumours or lies, or being threatened is intimidation. See if you can recognise intimidating behaviour.
Intrusive questions and offensive nicknames are harassment. Check you know what harassment means?
Sexual misconduct
Understand what to do if you experience or see signs of sexual misconduct.
Racism and unlawful discrimination
Identify racism and discrimination and find out what to do if you see signs it is happening.