
Integrity in sport and recreation

Integrity in sport and recreation means a safe and fair environment for everyone. No matter what the activity is, what level of competition you’re playing at, or who you are, you deserve to be treated fairly and with respect.

Sometimes integrity – honesty and fair play – is threatened by harmful behaviour. These ‘threats to integrity’ include:

  • failing to safeguard children

  • racism, discrimination, bullying, violence, abuse, sexual misconduct, intimidation, or harassment

  • sports doping

  • match-fixing, using inside information

  • corruption and fraud

  • organisations who fail to take reasonable steps to prevent harmful behaviour.

What we can do so sport and recreation is safe

Aotearoa New Zealand has some of the highest participation rates of sport and recreation in the world. And a global reputation for safe and fair play. At the same time, more needs to be done to ensure that everyone can enjoy and expect safe and fair treatment while taking part in sport and recreation.

We can protect and promote the safety and wellbeing of participants and the fairness of competition. To do this we set standards, provide guidance, training, and complaint services for participants, organisations and clubs.

Preventing threats to integrity

Find out how you, your organisation or club can recognise and prevent threats to integrity in sport and recreation.


Discover the role you play in keeping sport clean and learn more about the testing process.

Explore anti-doping

Child safeguarding

Protect tamariki and rangatahi from abuse and harm.

Explore child safeguarding

Competition manipulation

Match-fixing, prohibited gambling and other forms of competition manipulation.

Learn about competition manipulation

Protecting participants from harm

Guidance and tips for dealing with different types of harmful behaviour.

Read about protecting particpants

Addressing threats to integrity

Report an incident or make a complaint

We encourage you to tell us about an incident or make a complaint. Our service is free and independent.

Make a complaint

Integrity Code

We are working on an Integrity Code for the whole sport and recreation sector. The Integrity Code is designed to address and prevent harm right across sport and recreation.

Read more on the Integrity Code

Policy templates

Having good policies helps manage and address harmful behaviour in sport and recreation and keeps people free from unfair treatment and harmful behaviour.

We are developing a new suite of policy templates for sport and recreation organisations to use when they are developing their own policies.

Keep a look out for the new policy templates when they are published here.

Sign up to our mailing list for updates

In the meantime, you can still use Sport NZ’s existing policy templates.

Browse policies from Sport New Zealand