Making a complaint Te whakarite i tētahi amuamu

The Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation Service (SRCMS) is now part of the Commission. Find information below about how to make a complaint. If you made a complaint to the SRCMS before 1 July 2024, contact the SRCMS directly.

We can help you resolve complaints about integrity in sport and recreation. Our services are free, confidential, and impartial.

Raising and resolving issues early can mean they are easier to resolve, can lead to better outcomes, and reduce the harm to you and others.

Our processes are flexible and accessible. We can provide tikanga-based and culturally responsive support. We can also help children and young people be involved in decisions that affect them.

Learn more below or reach out to us for a confidential, no obligation chat.

If anyone is in immediate danger or you want to report a crime, contact the police on 111.

If you are worried about a child and want to report a concern, contact Oranga Tamariki on 0508 326 459.

Raising concerns directly with your organisation Make a complaint to the Commission About the complaints process and what to expect if a complaint is made about you. More information about investigations into complaints

He āwangawanga ōu mō te ngākau pono e hāngai ana ki te ao tākaro? Ki konei koe ako ai ka pēhea tā mātou āwhina i a koe

Ka āwhina mātou i te tangata me ngā whakahaere ki te whakaea i ngā amuamu mō te ngākau pono i te ao tākaro. He utukore ā mātou ratonga, he motuhake, he matatapu hoki.

Mēnā ka tōmua te whakaara ake me te whakatau i ngā raruraru, ka māmā ake te mahi whakatau i ētahi wā, ka hua mai ko ētahi putanga pai ake, ā, ka whakaitihia te tūkinotanga ki a koe anō, otirā ki ētahi atu tāngata. 

He ngāwari ā mātou tukanga, he tomopai hoki. Ka taea e mātou te whakarite he tautoko whai tikanga, he tautoko hoki e hāngai ana ki te ahurea o te tangata. Ka taea hoki e mātou te whakauru ngā tamariki me ngā rangatahi ki roto i ngā kōrerorero e pā atu ana ki a rātou.

Ākona ētahi atu kōrero mō ngā kōwhiringa ki raro iho nei, whakapā mai rānei ki a mātou mō tētahi kōrero matatapu, tētahi kōrero herekore.

The Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation Service is now part of the Commission

What happened to the Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation Service

The Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation Service (the SRCMS) is now part of the Commission. Our legal functions include providing complaints and dispute resolution processes for integrity issues in sport and recreation. This includes complaints about harmful behaviour such as bullying, sexual misconduct and racism.

As part of this change, we took over responsibility for the SRCMS from Sport NZ on 1 July 2024. This change strengthens the independence of the existing service and provides continuity for participants and organisations that have benefited from the SRCMS in the past.

The SRCMS was established by Sport NZ in 2021 to provide a free and independent complaints service to the sport and recreation sector.

How the service changed

We can receive and handle complaints relating to integrity from 1 July 2024. Immediation NZ, who currently operates the SRCMS, will provide complaints handling and dispute resolution services on behalf of the Commission.

This means that you can expect the same free, friendly, and impartial service that the SRCMS has provided since 2021.

Our role is set out in the Integrity Sport and Recreation Act 2023 and includes preventing and responding to:

  • competition manipulation

  • bullying, abuse, violence and sexual misconduct

  • racism and unlawful discrimination

  • doping in sport, and

  • organisational failures relating to integrity, including failing to safeguard children.

This means that we cannot help with complaints that are not related to integrity, even if the SRCMS has helped with these issues in the past.  This includes disputes about selection. In these cases, we will try to help if possible or will help find someone who can.

What happens to complaints made before 1 July

Any disputes not resolved by 30 June 2024 will continue to be handled by the SRCMS team. They will continue to support you to resolve the complaint, including through mediation and investigation. These matters will be dealt with under the terms and conditions in place with the SRCMS on 30 June 2024.