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The consequences of doping

Te tukunga iho o te mahi pūroi

It's never worth it.

Doping is serious, and its consequences are far-reaching. It can permanently damage your reputation, your health and your prospects in and out of sport. 

Anyone signed up to a sports organisation that abides by the Sports Anti-Doping Rules can be sanctioned for doping. There are 11 ways to break the Rules - the Anti-Doping Rule Violations. They all apply to athletes, and seven of them apply to coaches and support personnel. 

Find out what breaks the Rules

A sanction for doping can mean: 

  • Ban. A ban from all sport – including competing, training and coaching; 

  • Disqualification. You and your team are stripped of event results, points, prizes and accolades; 

  • Public scrutiny. Publication of your rule violation, which may result in damaging media attention and public contempt. 

The implications of a sanction are broad. Any perceived short-term gain from doping is never worth the long-term consequences, which can impact many different parts of your life:

  • Career. A sanction can end your professional aspirations. The damage to your reputation may make it hard to find a place on a team or opportunities for coaching. 

  • Relationships. The pressure of a sanction can damage your relationships with teammates, peers and close whānau. Being unable to play sport may leave you feeling isolated. 

  • Finances. You may lose sponsorship opportunities, contracts or other funding, or face financial sanctions. 

  • Health. The health consequences of taking performance-enhancing substances can be serious and irreversible. 

Baaa'd behaviour: The consequences of doping

Watch this short video to discover the consequences doping can have on your life.