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Archer banned for two years after positive test for beta blocker

05 April 2024

This article is from the archives. Drug Free Sport New Zealand has now transitioned into the Sport Integrity Commission Te Kahu Raunui.

The Sports Tribunal of New Zealand has banned an archery athlete from all sport for two years after a positive test for a banned beta blocker at the North Island Senior Target Archery Championships.

Robert Knight tested positive for metoprolol after winning the Men’s Open Compound event. Metoprolol is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and is banned at all times in the sport of archery.

Mr Knight submitted that he had been using the substance on the advice of his doctor. Drug Free Sport New Zealand accepted that there was no intention to cheat at sport.

Drug Free Sport New Zealand Chief Executive Nick Paterson commented that the case put a strong emphasis on athlete responsibility.

“This case highlights the high standards to which athletes are held. All athletes should check any medications on Global DRO before using them. We do not believe that Mr Knight was using the substance to cheat in archery, but he nevertheless is responsible for its presence in his sample.”

Archery NZ highlighted the importance of anti-doping education, and checking medications, for its athletes.

"It is unfortunate that this athlete was prescribed medication that is on the Prohibited List by their medical practitioner. Athletes at all levels of our sport are encouraged to educate themselves about anti-doping, and this is a reminder to athletes and officials that each of us is 100% responsible for checking the products we consume."

Mr Knight’s ban was backdated to 10 November 2023.

Read the Sports Tribunal decision.

Global DRO

Global DRO is an online tool that tells you whether a medication is banned in-competition, out-of-competition, both, or not at all. The information is based on the current WADA Prohibited List.

Learn more about Global DRO