Have your say on the draft Integrity Code

Have Your Say

Our work

Ā mātou mahi

It’s our role to ensure sport and recreation in New Zealand is safer and fairer. To do this, we were given a number of responsibilities. These responsibilities are set in New Zealand legislation in the Integrity Sport and Recreation Act 2023.

We’ll explain these here.

Ko tō mātou tūranga ko te mātua whakarite kia haumaru ake, kia matatika ake hoki te ao tākaro i Aotearoa. Kia tutuki pai rā tērā mahi, kua riro i a mātou ētahi haepapa. Kua whakatakotoria ēnei haepapa ki roto i tētahi ture nō Aotearoa, arā, i te Integrity Sport and Recreation Act 2023.

Ka whakamārama atu mātou i ērā ki konei.

Working with you so sport and recreation is safer and fairer

Our work includes advocating for and promoting respect for safe and fair environments and competition. We work with organisations at all levels, including national and regional organisations, Māori sport organisations, and local clubs. 

We provide support to create respectful and inclusive environments where people participating in sport and recreation activities — including tamariki, young people and other vulnerable people — are safe from harmful or unethical behaviour, such as bullying or racism.

We also work with other agencies to prevent manipulation of competition, such as match-fixing.

E mahi ngātahi ana ki tō taha kia haumaru ake ai, kia matatika ake ai te tākaro

Ko tētahi wāhanga o ā mātou mahi ko te taunaki me te whakatairanga ake i tētahi whakaaronui mō ngā wāhi me ngā whakataetae e haumaru ana, e matatika ana hoki. Ka mahi mātou me ngā whakahaere ki ngā taumata katoa, tae ana ki ngā whakahaere ā-motu me ngā whakahaere ā-rohe, ngā whakahaere tākaro Māori, me ngā karapu ā-hapori.

Ka whakarato tautoko mātou ki te whakarite i ngā wāhi whakautu, me ngā wāhi kauawhi e haumari ai ngā tāngata e whai wāhi atu ana ki ngā mahi tākaro – tae ana ki ngā tamariki, ngā rangatahi, me ērā atu tāngata whakaraerae – i te whanonga kino me te whanonga makihuhunu, pērā i te whakaweti me te kaikiri.

Waihoki, ka mahi ngātahi mātou me ētahi atu whakahaere ki te aukati i ngā mahi rāwekeweke i te whakataetae, pērā i te whawhe-kēmu.

Setting and administering standards and rules

We set standards to make sure there is consistent guidance on making sport and recreation safer and fairer across Aotearoa. Some of these standards are set in the Code of Integrity for Sport and Recreation (also known as the Integrity Code). 

We also look after the anti-doping responsibilities formerly carried out by Drug Free Sport New Zealand. This includes making rules on sport anti-doping, educating and advocating for clean athletes, and deterring and detecting doping. 

Together, these will provide consistent standards for sport and recreation activities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Te whakatau me te whakahaere i ngā paerewa me ngā ture

Mā mātou e whakarite paerewa kia ōrite ai ngā kupu tohutohu mō te āhua o te mahi whakahaumaru ake, te mahi whakamatatika ake i te tākaro huri noa i Aotearoa. Ko ētahi o ēnei paerewa e whakatakotoria nei ki roto i te Code for Integrity for Sport and Recreation (e mōhiotia ana hoki ko te Integrity Code).

Mā mātou hoki e kawe ngā haepapa mō te ātete-pūroi i kawea rā e te Drug Free Sport New Zealand i mua rā. Ko tētahi mahi ka ahu mai i tērā ko te whakarite ture mō te ātete-pūroi i te tākaro, te whakaako me te tautoko i ngā kaitākaro pūroi kore, me te whakapāhunu me te whakakite i te mahi pūroi.

Mā ēnei mea katoa, ka rere ngātahi, ka ōrite hoki ngā paerewa mō ngā mahi tākaro huri noa i Aotearoa whānui.

An impartial complaints and dispute resolution service 

We provide a free and impartial dispute resolution service for complaints about integrity in sport and recreation. Our service is confidential and aims to support the people involved.   

This service is for everyone across the sport and recreation sector — from people playing or volunteering at local clubs, through to those working or competing at regional, national and international levels. We also provide support and guidance to sport and recreation organisations so they can handle complaints appropriately.

This service is for people of all ages, including tamariki and young people. There are options for resolving disputes through culturally responsive processes.

Learn more about making a complaint

Tētahi ratonga whakatau raruraru e tōkeke ana

Ka whakarato mātou i tētahi ratonga whakataunga raruraru, kāore he utu, mō ngā amuamu mō te ngākau pono i te tākaro. Ko tā mātou whakaratonga he matatapu, ā, ko te whāinga ko te tautoko i ngā tāngata e whaipānga ana. 

Mā ngā tāngata katoa huri noa i te rāngai tākaro tēnei ratonga – mā ngā tāngata e tākaro ana, e tūao ana rānei i ngā karapu ā-hapori, mā ngā tāngata e mahi ana, e whakataetae ana rānei i ngā taumata ā-rohe, ā-motu, ā-tāwāhi rānei. Mā mātou hoki e whakarato he tautoko, he āwhina ki ngā whakahaere tākaro kia tika ai tā rātou whakahaere i ngā amuamu.  

Mā ngā tāngata katoa tēnei ratonga ahakoa te pakeke, tae noa ki te tamariki me ngā rangatahi. Arā ētahi kōwhiringa e whakatauria ai ngā raruraru mā roto i ētahi hātepe e hāngai ana ki te ahurea o te tangata.

Te whakarite i tētahi amuamu

Investigating and reporting on integrity failures in sport and recreation

We’re responsible for investigating and reporting on systemic or serious failures in integrity in sport and recreation. This includes:

  • testing athletes and releasing the test results in line with agreements with foreign governments and overseas anti-doping organisations

  • entering into reciprocal anti-doping testing agreements for New Zealand athletes competing abroad

  • working with other overseas agencies to promote consistent international testing procedures for doping in sport

  • investigating allegations of serious breaches of trust and integrity, such as match-fixing, corruption, and fraud 

  • starting our own investigations if we consider there is an issue

  • reporting the findings of our investigations publicly.

Our role complements related roles targeting criminal behaviour that are already held by other agencies, such as New Zealand Police, the Serious Fraud Office, and the Department of Internal Affairs.   

Te mātai me te pūrongo i ngā hanepītanga o te ngākau pono i te ao tākaro

Kei a mātou te haepapa ki te mātai, ki te pūrongo hoki i ngā hanepītanga ā-pūnaha me ngā hanepītanga kino rawa o te ngākau pono i te ao tākaro. Arā, ko ngā mea tae ana ki:

  • te whakamātau i ngā kaitākaro me te tuku atu i ngā kitenga o ngā whakamātau, me te whakahāngai o ēnei mahi ki ngā whakaaetanga ki ngā kāwanatanga tāwāhi me ngā whakahaere ātete-pūroi kei tāwāhi hoki

  • te tomo atu ki roto i ngā whakaaetanga whakautuutu mō te ātete-pūroi e whakamātauria ai ngā kaitākaro nō Aotearoa e tākaro ana ki tāwāhi

  • te mahi ngātahi me ngā whakahaere tāwahi ki te whakatairanga ake i te ōritetanga o ngā hātepe whakamātau mō te mahi pūroi i te tākaro ki tāwāhi

  • te mātai i ngā whakapae mō ngā hanepītanga kino rawa o te whakapono me te ngākau pono, pērā i te whawhe kēmu, te whakakonuka, me te hara tāware

  • te tīmata i ā mātou ake mātai mēnā ka ara ake tētahi raruraru – ki ō mātou ake whakaaro 

  • te pūrongo i ngā kitenga o ā mātou mātai ki te marea.

E hāngai ana tō mātou tūranga ki ērā atu tūranga ōrite e aro atu ana ki te whanonga taihara, ka mutu kei roto tonu aua tūranga i ētahi atu pokapū, pērā i Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa, Te Tari Hara Tāware, me Te Tari Taiwhenua.