Child safeguarding

What child safeguarding is

Sport and recreation for children and young people should make them happier and healthier. Their wellbeing, now and into the future, depends on their experiences as they grow up. Sport and recreation activities should be free from abuse and harm.

Child safeguarding is the set of actions that nga tangata/everyone can take to protect tamariki and rangatahi from abuse and harm. This includes protecting them from emotional, physical and sexual abuse, and neglect.

Keeping children and young people safe in sport and recreation is something that should be done collectively within clubs, organisations, whānau and communities. Having clear expectations and guidance helps to keep everyone in sport and recreation safe.

Child safeguarding includes:

  • agreeing on how people interact with tamariki and rangatahi to keep them safer

  • providing safe activities and environments in sport and recreation.

Understanding and knowing more about child safeguarding:

  • will ensure sport and recreation in Aotearoa New Zealand is safer and fairer

  • means having the skills to prevent, identify and address abuse and harm to tamariki and rangatahi.

Information and resources

These resources below include information about child safeguarding and child protection, including practical advice about what you can do as:

  • a club or an organisation

  • someone who works or volunteers with children and young people

  • a parent, caregiver or whānau.  

Keeping tamariki and rangatahi safer

Giving rides to children and young people

Make sure everyone stays safer when giving rides to tamariki and rangatahi.

More about safer rides and carpooling

Checking and training people working with children

Background checks and training to consider when appointing staff or volunteers working with children and young people.

Learn about background checks and training

Taking and sharing images

Stay safe when taking and sharing photos and videos of tamariki and rangatahi.

Find out how to take and share images safely

Identifying and preventing grooming

If you know what to look for, you can take action to protect tamariki and rangatahi from grooming in sport and recreation.

Learn how to prevent grooming

Planning safer travel with tamariki and rangatahi

Organising safer trips away for sport and recreation means careful planning in advance.

How to plan safer travel

Child safeguarding while travelling

Find out more about keeping everyone safer when travelling with tamariki and rangatahi for sport or recreation.

How to keep everyone safe during travel

Safer accommodation for overnight stays with tamariki and rangatahi

Keep child safety in mind while planning and organising overnight accommodation for children and young people.

Read about planning safer overnight stays

Policy templates

Having good policies in your club or organisation can help manage and address harmful behaviour.

We are developing new policy templates for sport and recreation clubs and organisations to use when they are developing their own policies. Keep a look out for the new policy templates when they are published here.

Sign up to our mailing list for updates

In the meantime, you can still download and use the child safeguarding policy templates from the Sport NZ website.

Browse child safeguarding policies from the Sport NZ website