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About clean sport

Mō te tākaro pūroi kore

About clean sport

Doping in sport is an important issue for all athletes as well as their whānau, coaches, managers, sports organisations and sports fans. Choosing to dope to enhance performance and gain an advantage undermines the efforts of clean athletes, denies others the ability to compete on a level playing field and damages the true spirit of competitive sport.

What does clean sport mean?

Clean sport means athletes who are empowered to:

  • Compete on a level playing field

  • Be rewarded for their mahi, talent and skills

  • Value the spirit of sport

  • Respect and look after their bodies and their health

  • Follow the anti-doping rules

  • Understand the importance of a drug testing regime to catch people who break the rules, and to protect clean athletes.

Your role in clean sport

If you're a parent, a coach, support personnel, an NSO or a medical professional, you have an important role in supporting clean sport. Our website offers information, resources and e-learning courses for anyone who wants to know more about their role in clean sport.

Read more about your role in clean sport.