Child safeguarding and protection education

Safeguarding and protecting children and young people is everyone’s responsibility. Clubs, organisations, whānau, communities and individuals can work together to keep children and young people free from harm and abuse. 

Take the full course

This course is designed to support learners keep children and young people in sports and recreation safe. It covers child safeguarding practices, how to identity and respond to abuse and harm, and how to keep children and young people, and yourself, safe in different situations. 

It’s for anyone involved in the sport and recreation sector who provides activities for or has a role in interacting with children and young people. 

Enrol in Safeguarding and protecting children and young people on SportTutor

Explore micro-learning

Check your knowledge on the following child safeguarding and protection topics. Each module takes about 10 minutes to complete. 

If you’d like to get a formal record of completing these micro-learning resources, please access and complete on SportTutor. You will need to log in or sign up. It’s free.   

Complete a module on SportTutor